“What is Stair Master Perennial?”

Music has been driven to the background by algorithms, which transform art into content, in an endless deluge. We want to help bring the experience of listening back to the foreground, for people who want to listen to music in intentional sequences.

We think that the idea of a playlist isn’t just about similarity between songs—the notion that a good playlist is one that the listener does not notice—but rather that the playlist also works in the negative space that opens up between jarring shifts in mood.

The algorithm is successful if it blends sounds together, so that the listener is not aware that they are listening to anything at all. What makes curation meaningful is finitude. To us, the end of the sequence is as valuable as the beginning, when the listener is forced to confront the experience as a whole. Our goal is to reintroduce the listener to the experience of music in a finite sequence, so we are reviving a term from the cobwebbed corridors of tumblr: Concept-Playlist.

Ultimately, this site is a gallery and a listening party. These Concept Playlists are carefully curated by the people you know, or the people you want to know.

Let’s go nowhere, but here, together.

“How does it work?”

  1. We invite people to curate succinct (60 mins max) playlists which in one way or another, relate to an image of their choice.

  2. We post them to our Spotify account.

  3. You can listen when they drop.

“Are there any rules?”

  1. No shuffling allowed.

*We appreciate enthusiasm but please do not send unsolicited submissions.

Contact for general queries: stairmasterperennial@gmail.com
